Petrol or Diesel – Why Diesel Cars Don’t Make Sense for Most People, Why the Government Hates You & UK vs. Irish Road Tax

Ah the old petrol vs. diesel debate! What a pain in the ass, mind you it was a lot easier back in the day when a) fuel was cheap b) diesels were slow and c) no one cared about global warming. But anyway the below is somewhat of a rant and doesn't reflect the views of MicksGarage as a company but rather one employee who we “think” may be a bit nuts!

The Government Hates the Motorist

Since we do have a big audience from the UK, I thought I’d share with our friends over the water that the Irish government, tends to fleece the motorist every time they need extra cash for some ridiculous project or to pay sovereign debt, which seems to be the cool thing to do nowadays (I say sovereign debt with a pinch of salt here since it never should have been sovereign – but this isn't a political blog).

Anyway, road tax in Ireland is a rip off, and has been for quite some time! Now I wouldn't mind if this massive tax receipt was used to improve the road network, but no; motorway tolls are sold off and privatised, back roads are poorly lit, roads all over the country are filled with pot holes (some would call craters), etc, etc, etc… For good measure here’s some examples of what our road tax money is supposed to fix:

Anyway, onto the whole diesel thing – one thing the government did a few years back was to re-adjust the tax rates based on emissions.  Which means that if you can afford to buy a 2008+ diesel or one of them hybrid things (no future by the way) than HAPPY DAYS you're onto winner. If it wasn't so serious it would be hilarious how the Irish government consistently reverts to taxing and punishing the lower earners in society (I’m sorry I just realised I went off on a political tangent again). No but in fairness its a shame people who can afford to pay big bucks for a motor upgrade in the middle of a recession get a huge tax break

The funny thing about this, is the fact that there is actually far less money now being generated because the public are actually switching to diesel cars! Now that’s all well and good for the environment but not for the exchequer. I think it’s going to be hilarious when they slowly start creeping the lower emission tax bands back up – and sure they've already started with the last budget. The below picture comes to mind:

Ireland vs. United Kingdom - Private Road Car Tax Rate Comparison

Below is a table of what the current tax rates are in Ireland and the UK, taking into account both emission based and engine sized based rates from both states.

Even with the lower rates on emissions, there is a massive difference, and has anyone seen UK roads, especially the motorway network? Some may argue that there’s more people, more cars and more tax income – but there is also more (and better) roads to maintain so the costs are relative!
And that’s really annoying! But the thing that annoys me the most, and the reason why I have gone on the whole topic of government here is that they have managed to convince the general public that they should be driving diesels! And for a lot of people it just doesn't make sense!

Petrol vs. Diesel

The reason this all came about is because a friend of mine is looking at a car, and he is determined to buy a E60 BMW 520d / 525d. Now he's not buying a 2008+ car so he won’t benefit from the lower tax rate – he's buying a 2004-2006 car and tax doesn’t really come into it. Why does he want a diesel though? Because he is under the illusion that he’ll save loads of money on fuel and depreciation (because no one is currently buying big petrols).

Now I am a big petrol head but even I’ll admit when a diesel car makes sense – if you are doing very high yearly mileage and if you can afford a 2008+ car (for the time being anyway). Now in order to make this point to my friend I downloaded this very handy running costs calculator from and filled it out. I based it on the 520d vs. 520i versions of the E60, got factory MPG figures and based the cost price of the car on the actual average of all 520d’s and 520i’s on and I ignored the tax part and resale value because I was not interested in that for the small point I was getting at. I also put his average annual mileage down as 10,000 even though I know it’s far less than that – but I was trying to make a strong case for it! The average price of diesel and petrol was based on whatever had it down as on the day.

Anyway the result was, that based on his mileage, mpg, buying price and all that jazz – it would take just over 5 years before he sees any saving from buying the diesel! 5 YEARS! Do people even hold onto cars that long anymore? I worked it out again based on the cheapest diesel vs. the average petrol car and the break-even point was 2 years!

And the worrying thing is that was based on him doing 10k miles per year which based on his commute I would say he does half. And that’s the problem! Everyone is afraid of buying petrol cars because “no one will buy it from them at re-sale”, diesel is cheaper, the government hate petrol, etc, etc, etc… Sure the average weekly fuel bill will be smaller, but overall you are losing money. And in the second hand market you’ll get a better spec, nicer petrol with more optional extras and the car will be a nicer place to be.

Anyway all the above is based on basic fuel based running cost! The other thing many people fail to consider is the reliability and repair costs of modern diesel cars. Modern diesels are less reliable than their petrol equivalents because of (among other things) the huge amount of emissions related crap that’s fitted to them – I may get slated for that one. EGR Valves, Diesel Particulate Filters, Turbos all these things go wrong, the extra torque is also great until the Flywheel decides it doesn’t like you anymore!

Anyway, think I’ll end this little rant now. The general gist is – the government hates the motorist, we’re ripped off on road tax, fuel tax, even insurance compared to the UK, and diesel DOES NOT make sense for most people! Everyone needs to fill in the above comparison chart in before making the choice and unless you do high miles – chances are you’ll be buying a petrol.

Sure buy a V8, you only live once!


  1. I have been arguing the same point to anyone i know getting a , new to them, car. Everyone wants a diesel but they dont do big miles. i was spending €400.00 pm on petrol, i needed a diesel, i do 2000 miles just commuting per month, another 280 commuting by motorcycle, tax man loves me. i needed the diesle, of course as soon as i got one (Aug 2012) the price of diesel increased.

    Everybody is concerned about the price at the pumps, and the tax, no one is thinking long term, about DPF's, about turbos etc. and yes, people do hang onto cars more than 5 years, my avensis (98) i had 7 years. no money to change it and that will only get worse.

    LPG is the way to go. and 2015, wait till you see the price of diesel is going to skyrockt, yipp-ee. not

  2. New petrols engines are shit as well downsizing two turbos, flywheels etc, make them shit choise as well. Some ppl like diesels becouse of torque and you are not so offen on petrol station.

  3. Currently cost of LGP is about 90c per litre. Ofcourse average use is about 2 ltr higher per 100 km. Conversion to LPG starts from 900 euro.Depends on engine.Did you know that also diesel engines are LPG convertible? If your average annual commuting mileage is 20 000 km per will get your money back in year for car that takes 10 ltr/100 km petrol or 12 ltr LPG.
    All you need to do is to maintain and service regularly.

  4. Great article and can't argue with anything you have written, however what galls me is that motorists in this country get walked and tramped all over by government time and time again, and we do nothing about it. Unlike proper countries we have little or no public transport in this country, so the f**kers in government know full well that most people have no choice in this country but to drive to work, drive to the shops, drive to visit their friends, parents etc. Subsequently they then proceed to tax the living daylights out of us via VRT, duty, vat etc, they then build a few motorways which were well overdue anyway, and then proceed to not only put private tolls on them, but to guarantee the operators their profits for the next 30 years. As Bob Geldof once sang, it really is a Banana Republic!!

  5. It's motor tax, not road tax.

  6. Good article, exactly the way things are, we are getting gutted each year and the Government has made loads of mistakes which is costing us dearly. The current minister for transport is the worst we have had so far and is not interesting in improving our current situation. A protest would be good but it would need to be in force, as in; every saturday over 100 cars block the outside of Leinsterhouse, anything else would just be ignored. Taxing need to be revised, tax we pay from cars should be used on the roads not social welfare.

  7. I enjoy reading motoring comments from the other part of the world, especially how the government love to continuously rip people off with the various motoring taxes. Here in the advertised "Clean Green New Zealand " or land of milk and honey let me give you a few small examples of taxes. Our wages are taxed before you receive them. At the end of tax year you may claim allowances if you are very rich. For the average and even above worker there are No Allowances to claim back. We have 15% GST added to EVERYTHING , Bank fees and all. Accident compensation levies are also secretly smuggled int to all manner of things you buy. Petrol prices are currently NZ $ 2.23/per liter of 91 octane and up to $ 2.30 / liter for 95 octane, 98 can be 3 to5 cents higher. Government taxes in petrol make up over 70 cents per liter. Diesel is much cheaper at $ 1.50 / liter, however to aid the government again you pay 3 cents per Km every 3 months as an additional road tax. Gas consumption is really a joke as your average journey is stop start. Traffic lights are nor phased for easier journey and traffic flow . Too hard to do say authorities, its better to have total lumpy traffic. Uses more fuel and we pay more fuel tax. Diesel cars may get better mileage, but around the city ??? Also our Diesel is not real pure . We used to have 3000ppm of sulphates and now its down 1000 or less, which is less pollution if you have a well tuned diesel, that's rare as we don't have smog checks on vehicles. We cant use the latest diesel vehicles as they don't run on anything less than 300ppm diesel. That will be here next century.
    If you are reported for having a smoke blower,you will likely receive a letter asking you at some time in the future to FIX it? What a cheek, Normally people don't , so don't bother to get a warrant of fitness, or even to register the vehicle . You can go for years without getting picked up.Where I am in Auckland we have 1 motorway which heads North and South about 30km each way, nice , however as you can imagine its mostly clogged with trucks and vehicles so once again not good gas consumption. I laugh when I hear the Americans complaining loudly at paying up to or over $3.00 per gallon. I wish we could be that lucky. Thankfully we are still 'Clean and Green" well except for smoky vehicles. Thank god for the new carbon filter that I just bought from Micks Garage.

  8. Good article, it is interesting to read it.

  9. i agree we have a petrol and diesel car both same size and engine size 1.4 the difference in mpg isnt brilliant and we have had issues with the diesel which is also newer it does feel quicker and smoother though

  10. Please keep on posting about This topic. I want to know more details about it. Anyway, I have read some of posts in your blog here. And all of them are very informative. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Great article and shows the mood people are feeling. What is everyone thoughts on the VRT

  12. Loved every word on it!!!

    Best comments from Diesel drivers is still: Diesel cars are quicker. Yeah sure.

  13. i recently bought a 07 BMW 118d last week and i had this debate in my head. I change cars every 2 yrs roughly and i was considering getting a petrol car as i do less than 900 miles a month. However the thing that put me off getting the petrol was 1, the re sale value, 2 the tax and 3 fuel price. So im paying over €700 for tax a yr. Where does it go, i dunno, not into our roads anyway. Like if i could hand over that €700 to county council to fill in potholes around my area that are badly needed id give it straight to them, i just wish i knew where my hard earned money is going (probably straight to TD's pockets or holiday fund). It time for the government to cut back the older car tax. Another point to make is because car tax is so high in this country people dont want to pay it and drive around without it. I myself was considering it but i paid it. If tax was cheaper, like UK, people would be more inclined to pay the car tax as its more affordable, thus reducing the number of un taxed cars on the road and possibly giving the government more money. Also cheaper tax on seconds hand cars will give them better re sale value, generating more money. Id like to find out how money cars are un taxed on Irelands roads.

  14. Electric vehicles are the way to go. My wife & I bought our Nissan Leaf in April 2011 and have never looked back. Currently we've done over 60,000 kilometers in it and it's been the best car we've ever owned. I'll never go back to either petrol or diesel.

  15. I have a 1.6 TDCI and its ok, but it is a bit noisy which does annoy me at times. I have tried petrol cars, but I they are a bit crap going up hill and you feel like you have to rev the hell out of them which is ok, but not sure if this is good for longevity. I notice now that with all the pressure from the EU about emissions, its seems the petrol engines of the future are now going down the diesel route, i.e. being smaller and turbo charged and becoming more complex. Soon I think it may be best not to drive at all!

  16. Your poor wife is blessed that you have this outlet! Great, entertaining rant, God bless you! (and yes, it does all come back to politics, alas!)
